(Image from Google)
Beltaine (also known as Beltane and May Day) falls on 1st May with the evening of 30th April being known as Beltaine Eve or May Eve. It is an ancient fertility festival.
Beltaine is associated with the Celtic God, Bel (also known as Belenus and Balor). Bel is a God of light, fire and the Sun. Fires are an important custom at Beltaine and people would leap over them to ensure their fertility. Cattle were also driven through the ashes or between two fires to ensure a good milk yield.
The Beltaine fire was kindled with Birch twigs and much of the festival was spent with couples frolicking in the woods. A Maypole, representing the phallus and made from Birch wood was erected or was sometimes a living Birch tree and fertility dances were performed around it to ensure good health and abundant crops.
As at Samhain, the veil between our world and the Underworld is considered to be thin at this time and the spirits of our Ancestors can be contacted.
Read more: http://www.spiritofold.co.uk/magick/wheel/beltaine.htm#ixzz0mewYibDp
Blessings to you all, on this wonderful first day of May. The above information was for those that wondered what Beltane meant and where it came from...Personally i celebrate when i see the flowers open on the Hawthorn tree, dont ask me why i do iv always done it that way...
Iv recently come into some money, well i say recently, it was left to me a year ago and iv only just recieved the letter to say they will be releasing the funds as soon as i send back the paper work, so im looking to invest in a sewing machine.. I was wondering if any of you crafty women out there could advise me which one is the best one to get, regarding budget, performance and of course for someone who is a novice, i would really grateful for any advice...Im so tired today, for some reason iv been waking up in the wee hours of the morning and finding it really hard to go back to sleep, so this morning after tossing around in bed for a few hours i got up at the early time of 6, i know later i will creep back into my bed for a cat nap! LOL..The sun seems to be shining, so im going for a gentle potter around the garden.. Have a wonderful first day of May whatever you choose to do
Well I don't want any fertility or a good milk yield LOL but a bit of frolicking wouldn't go amiss hee hee
Bright Blessings at Beltane! Kath x
Beautiful photo!!!
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