Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Thats the only way i can describe the weather to day... I woke to nothing but clear blue skies and decided it was time to go for a walk with my favorite babe...

And so we set off...

It may only be the start of Spring but there is colour everywhere.. I love this bush, not sure what it is...

Standing underneath this tree, which is laden with pollen the sound of the buzzing can be heard quite clearly, there was many a bee and wasp feasting after a long harsh winter..

Buds are starting to appear everywhere...

Still not a cloud in the sky, and i pointed the camera straight at the sun..

Patch was leading the way and he was loving it...

He meets a new friend and is straight away onto the car, he loves these things, me thinks hes trying to hitch a ride...

A few lone Daffs..

The Blackthorn has blossmed!...

Patch loves collecting sticks, he will chew them and chase them, carry them and then lose them..

Got the whole place to ourselves...

And then its home to do the garden, and thats another story...


Kath said...

It was too nice to be inside wasn't it? Lovely photos, especially of Patch.
Yesterday the boy helped me with some digging and puuling out roots, tomorrow, the beach with the dogs!

cottage garden farmer said...

Isn't it a treat to have such a warm spell in march, my honey bees were everywhere in the garden today, felt more like may than march.

Funkymonkey said...

Isn't this sunshine and warmth welcome after the long dark winter we've had. I feel quite uplifted after sharing your lovely walk.


Meadow said...

Hi there Kath, Ooooh wish we were closer to the beach Patch would love that...

Hi The Cottage Garden Farmer and thank you for your comment, i agree its more like the start of summer then Spring.. Good to hear the Honey bees are out and about!..

Funkymonkey, such kind words and im so glad your spirit was uplifted, by the walk, thats so good to know..xx..