I finally brought the sewing machine, its a basic one and cost me less than £50 and it was in the sale! So now all i have to do is work out how to set it up buy some material and get creative.. I would like to do some new kitchen cupboard curtains,the ones i have are red gingham and i would love some floral ones...
Sunday was brilliant, there was so many animals and stalls there, my feet were killing me at the end of the day. I did take some photos and i tried to upload them but blogger cant seem to do them, though no problem when i take a picture from the web! My favorite was the baby ferrets, i love them and wanted to take them home with me... I spent some money but the one thing i loved was the bird feeder that has suction pads on it so it can be placed on an upstairs window, so now i can lie in bed and watch the birds feasting, although, they are yet to discover this banquet.
Brought a beautiful scented rose as well in a colour that enchanted me as well as its name, 'Scented Fairy', cant wait for the buds to open.. The weathers been amazing and for the first time in years Glastonbury festival is going to be a dry one... I hope you all had a wonderful solstice, i spent mine within the garden enjoying the midsummer's sun and taking in the visual delights of the summer garden. Time to have breakfast and take the dog out so have a wonderful weekend all and keep safe in the safe in the sun..
You would be happy to live here right?, but this is not for you, its for your chickens, how beautiful is that, not cheap either, but wouldn't that look stunning in your garden or meadow.. Check out this site for more information. http://www.flytesofancy.co.uk/
Next Sunday I'm off to Malvern to the Three Counties Show, i will take my camera and I'm hoping to upload some pictures of the day. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us. Iv never been before so i cant tell you what to expect, although in 1994 i was living in Malvern in a lovely little place at the foot of the hills. I miss this place and i often dream back to it, here i found myself and grew into a women...
The gardens really blooming now, iv had to go into the garden in between the showers to stake, tie in and cut back.. The minute we get some rain and sun, the plants grow like theres no tomorrow! The French beans are really going for it now and there are loads of strawberries that will ripen, the Blueberry plant has given me some fruit this year, it will be a race to see if i get them first or the birds.. Talking of birds, Kittie brought one in the other day a young starling.. I was sat at the desk and a fluttering in the living room scared the life into me, Kittie went nuts and i looked up to see a small bird on the bookcase. I managed to catch this frightened bird and release him back into the garden where he flew of into the sky.. That, is one lucky bird and i hope he found a safe branch to catch his breath and to calm down..
Went thrifting the other day and found some beautiful pillowcases with tiny flowers on, 99p for four! and in brilliant condition, cant ask any more than that can you? I also saw some lovely little teacups and saucers that cam with a jug and sugar bowl and unfortunately i never brought them, I'm hoping they will still be there on Monday, but i very much doubt it. I still have not invested in a sewing machine, i just can not make up my mind which one to get. I did see Dunhum have a few in there at good prices so i may get one, just to see how i get on with it.... I'm off now to catch the news before Sage awakes, but i hope you have a wonderful weekend and the weather is kind to you...
My thoughts are with you........