This is Smudge, hes almost 13 years old and we have had him for all those years, hes getting a little slower and pretends to be deaf when it suits him, but is still looking good for his age.
Kits just getting his daily fussing here, how can you not love him!
Just a little view from the Kitchen window. Daffs are now planted out in the garden. I buy a pot every Imbolc and then re plant them in the garden to enjoy the follow years.
Wow, what a weekend last week was, iv seen this amount of snow in the Forest in my childhood but never while living in the City, it was amazing to see. This is the view from my sons bedroom window, i spend hours in here sometimes just watching the birds.
Kits got the right idea, time to just chill out and hibernate
On the way to my friends house we go through the grounds of Gloucester Cathedral and this is just one of the houses that catches my eye every time, this house is right in front of the Cathedral, imagine waking up to that each morning! Also many of you might have seen the Christmas special of Doctor Who, this was filmed in this area and i have some more pictures that i will show next time, so keep an eye out for that.
We have snow and lots of it and theres still more to come! London has loads of it and its almost like seeing London as an Victorian Christmas Card, now that's a sight to behold. Here in the West we don't seem to have as much, but it has been snowing all day and they say we have more to come.